Are you ready to quit smoking forever?


Did you know that Hypnosis is three times as effective as the nicotine patch and fifteen times more effective than willpower? (J. Applied Psyc.) Hypnosis will not only cure you of your nicotine addiction, it will leave you feeling great. Most people require only one session to quit smoking, though some enjoy a second session just to solidify the change.


My proven program helps you quit with confidence and avoid relapse.


For latest pricing and offers visit the Services page.




Hi Louise, yes all good here! I’ve definitely noticed some responses to situations that you focussed on, and its all very positive. That switch I referred to has most certainly been clicked into the right position. I’ve seen people smoking in the street and without realising it, or it being a conscious thought, I’ve felt sorry for the person, then a reaction of revulsion at the taste of a cigarette. Its definitely touched something on a sub-conscious level. Anyway, I’ve not had a single smoke, or even thought about it, since I saw you, so just over 2 weeks now! And I’ve been happier to walk the dog. Today my partner and I did a hour and half trek around the Gorge, and my energy levels are great.
Phil, Launceston 2017


Have not had a cigarette and don't even think about smoking and all the bills are paid. Great feeling. Thanks so much. I'm feeling fresher, more energetic, and richer!!
Dyana, Launceston, 2105


Will never smoke very positive thanks to you.
Dean, Launceston, 2015


I'm going really well. Have not had a cigarette since being hypontized. I have moments where I forget I don't smoke but never really feel like one.
Angela, Scottsdale, 2015



What's right for you - an individual or couples session?

Quitting with a supportive friend or loved one can sometimes be easier than quitting alone. You can motivate one another and share the journey together. You have someone to celebrate with as you both become healthier and wealthier! However, in some situations it's better to have the hypnosis by yourself. Think carefully about who you would choose to share the session with you.


If one of you is going through a stressful time at the moment, it may be best to have an individual hypnosis session to resolve that issue, before having stop smoking hypnosis.If your friend is less than 100% committed you will be more likely to succeed having an individual session.


If your friend is only coming along to make you happy (sometimes the case with married couples!) then you will be more likely to succeed having an individual session.If your friend is more likely to relapse and try and tempt you back to 'the dark side', you will be more likely to succeed having an individual session.Only you can decide whether to quit alone or with a friend. Hypnosis is powerful but it is not magic. You have to want to quit! If you're unsureabout which session to choose, please contact me for a free 10 minute phone consultation to discuss your needs.


I'm going really well. Have not had a cigarette since being hypontized. I have moments where I forget I don't smoke but never really feel like one.

Angela, Scottsdale, 2015


Does it work?

I am often asked whether hypnosis really works to stop smoking. Yes it does! If you are committed to quitting then hypnosis will give you the motivation and willpower you need to do it.If you need some evidence for how effective hypnosis can be when you're ready to quit smoking, keep reading. There are many quality studies showing the effectivness of hypnotherapy in treating all manner of ailments and behavioural problems. Below is a compilation of just some studies into the therapeutic effectiveness of hypnosis in treating smoking.


90% Success Rate For Smoking Cessation Using Hypnosis

Of 43 consecutive patients undergoing this treatment protocol, 39 reported remaining abstinent from tobacco use at follow-up (6 months to 3 years post-treatment). This represents a 90.6% success rate using hypnosis.University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber J.


87% Reported Abstinence From Tobacco Use With Hypnosis

A field study of 93 male and 93 female CMHC outpatients examined the facilitation of smoking cessation by using hypnosis. At 3-month follow-up, 86% of the men and 87% of the women reported continued abstinence from the use of tobacco using hypnosis.Performance by gender in a stop-smoking program combining hypnosis and aversion. Johnson DL, Karkut RT. Adkar Associates, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana. Psychol Rep. 1994 Oct;75(2):851-7. PMID: 7862796 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


81% Reported They Had Stopped Smoking After Hypnosis

Thirty smokers enrolled in an HMO were referred by their primary physician for treatment. Twenty-one patients returned after an initial consultation and received hypnosis for smoking cessation. At the end of treatment, 81% of those patients reported that they had stopped smoking, and 48% reported abstinence at 12 months post-treatment.Texas A&M University, System Health Science Center, College of Medicine, College Station, TX USA. Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2004 Jan;52(1):73-81. Clinical hypnosis for smoking cessation: preliminary results of a three-session intervention. Elkins GR, Rajab MH.


Hypnosis Patients Twice As Likely To Remain Smoke-Free After Two Years

Study of 71 smokers showed that after a two-year follow up, patients that quit with hypnosis were twice as likely to remain smoke-free than those who quit on their own.Guided health imagery for smoking cessation and long-term abstinence. Wynd, CA. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2005; 37:3, pages 245-250.


Hypnosis More Effective Than Drug Interventions For Smoking Cessation

Group hypnosis sessions, evaluated at a less effective success rate (22% success) than individualized hypnosis sessions. However, group hypnosis sessions were still demonstrated here as being more effective than drug interventions.Ohio State University, College of Nursing, Columbus, OH 43210, USA Descriptive outcomes of the American Lung Association of Ohio hypnotherapy smoking cessation program. Ahijevych K, Yerardi R, Nedilsky N.


Hypnosis Most Effective Says Largest Study Ever: 3 Times as Effective as Patch and 15 Times as Effective as Willpower

Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. A meta-analysis, statistically combining results of more than 600 studies of 72,000 people from America and Europe to compare various methods of quitting. On average, hypnosis was over three times as effective as nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone.University of Iowa, Journal of Applied Psychology, How One in Five Give Up Smoking. October 1992.(Also New Scientist, October 10, 1992.)


Have not had a cigarette and don't even think about smoking and all the bills are paid. Great feeling. Thanks so much. I'm feeling fresher, more energetic, and richer!!

Dyana, Launceston, 2105


Why Quit Smoking?

There are so many good reasons to free yourself from smoking. What are your motivations? Here are just a few that I've heard in the last month:


**Because there's nothing good about it

**Because I can't afford it

**Because when I hug my friend's baby, she tells me the baby now smells like smoke

**Because I don’t want my kids to have to sit in hospital while I die of cancer

**Because I don’t want my kids to smoke

**Because I want to live to see my grandkids

**Because I want to be the fun fit Nanna/Grandpa

**Because I'm working 5 extra hours a week just to pay for smokes

**Because I want to pay the house off quicker.

**Because I want to treat myself and buy new clothes.

**Because I used to be fit and now I'm too tired to exercise

**Because my partner hates it

**Because I'm single now and I don't want to date a smoker

**Because my Dad would be really upset if he knew I smoked

**Because my mum smoked and she looks really old now

**Because I hate the smell on my breath

**Because I worry how I smell when I pick the kids up from school

**Because it's embarassing to be the only smoker

**Because it's making me look old

**Because my fingers and teeth are turning yellow

**Because I can smell it in my hair in bed

**Because I think it's gross and I don't even enjoy it

**Because I have to plan my whole day around it

**Because I waste so much time that

**Because my house and car reek of it

**Because the grandkids hate it

**Because I'm getting more wrinkles

**Because it's bloody freezing outside and I don't want to go out there

**Because I'm sick of being a slave to it

**Because it's time!


If you have any questions about how Hypnosis can help you to be free of smoking, just visit the Contact Page. 

Beautiful Christmas Gifts and a Pop-up Shop!

This Christmas you can make a real difference in the life of a loved one by helping them to quit smoking, get healthy, start sleeping, or conquer anxiety. To make it easy to purchase gifts, I'll be having a pop-up shop for a few hours over the week leading up to Christmas. Does it count as a pop up shop when it's your own shop? I'm not sure! My new space is not yet client ready but it's perfect for a bit of Christmas shopping.


Pop up shop hours:

Friday 20th Dec - 3pm-6pm

Saturday 21st Dec 2pm-5pm

Monday 23rd Dec 3.30-5.30pm


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Awaken Hypnosis Launceston is moving!

Over the Christmas break, Awaken Hypnosis will be moving! To create a quieter and more convenient space for my clients, I'll be establishing a small wellness centre in Trevallyn. You can find me between Mesa Hair and Shopfront Trevallyn.  Parking is free and right outside the front door. Over the next few weeks I'll be announcing some new therapists coming on board with me. If you've booked an appointment with me before hearing about the move, don't worry, I'll be in touch to make sure the date and time still suits you in this new location.


I look forward to continuing to help you with stress, anxiety, insomnia, phobias, bad habits, good habits and much more!

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Free Mini-Hypnosis sessions at the House of Prana Open Day

Awaken  Hypnosis at the House of Prana Launceston
House of Prana, 127 George St Launceston

Sunday 16th September 2018

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Corporate Quit Smoking Programme - Quit with your co-workers

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Can hypnosis strengthen your love?

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Awaken Hypnosis is moving!

After two wonderful years at Cinergee Day Spa in Tamar St, I'm moving on to a new treatment room at 127 George St Launceston, Bikram Yoga Launceston (the old Aquarius Roman Baths).


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Smoking - what is it costing you?

If you or a loved one are thinking about quitting smoking, then take a look at this great calculator - it not only tells you how much you spend on smoking each week, month and year, it calculates how much you've spent in your lifetime! It also has a nice graphic that illustrates the amount of tar going into your lungs each year.  

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