Why Quit Smoking?

There are so many good reasons to free yourself from smoking. What are your motivations? Here are just a few that I've heard in the last month:


**Because there's nothing good about it

**Because I can't afford it

**Because when I hug my friend's baby, she tells me the baby now smells like smoke

**Because I don’t want my kids to have to sit in hospital while I die of cancer

**Because I don’t want my kids to smoke

**Because I want to live to see my grandkids

**Because I want to be the fun fit Nanna/Grandpa

**Because I'm working 5 extra hours a week just to pay for smokes

**Because I want to pay the house off quicker.

**Because I want to treat myself and buy new clothes.

**Because I used to be fit and now I'm too tired to exercise

**Because my partner hates it

**Because I'm single now and I don't want to date a smoker

**Because my Dad would be really upset if he knew I smoked

**Because my mum smoked and she looks really old now

**Because I hate the smell on my breath

**Because I worry how I smell when I pick the kids up from school

**Because it's embarassing to be the only smoker

**Because it's making me look old

**Because my fingers and teeth are turning yellow

**Because I can smell it in my hair in bed

**Because I think it's gross and I don't even enjoy it

**Because I have to plan my whole day around it

**Because I waste so much time that

**Because my house and car reek of it

**Because the grandkids hate it

**Because I'm getting more wrinkles

**Because it's bloody freezing outside and I don't want to go out there

**Because I'm sick of being a slave to it

**Because it's time!


If you have any questions about how Hypnosis can help you to be free of smoking, just visit the Contact Page.